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All Services
On this page, you can see all services, package deals, and training programs in one location. The page will be sectioned for easier exploration
$40 per player1時間
$40 per player1時間
$40 per player1時間
Package Deals
10 (1 Hour) MPC Sessions
675$Package deal for 10 (1- hour) mental performance coaching sessions- Gain mental skills
- Learn how to get in the flow state of your performance
- Gain confidence
- Learn to manage emotions
- Gain positive and constructive self-talk
- Increase focus
- Reduce performance anxiety
- Reduce distorted thinking
- Gain a pre and post performance routine
- Set Goals
- Learn how to increase motivation
- Learn to manage your energy levels
- Learn how to manage stress
10 (30 Min) MPC Sessions
450$Package deal for 10 (30-min) MPC sessions: Best for 14 years and under- Gain mental skills
- Learn how to get in the flow state of your performance
- Gain confidence
- Learn to manage emotions
- Gain positive and constructive self-talk
- Increase focus
- Reduce performance anxiety
- Reduce distorted thinking
- Gain a pre and post performance routine
- Set Goals
- Learn how to increase motivation
- Learn to manage your energy levels
- Learn how to manage stress
8 (1 Hour) MPC Sessions
540$Package deal for 8 (1- hour) mental performance coaching sessions- Gain mental skills
- Learn how to get in the flow state of your performance
- Gain confidence
- Learn to manage emotions
- Gain positive and constructive self-talk
- Increase focus
- Reduce performance anxiety
- Reduce distorted thinking
- Gain a pre and post performance routine
- Set Goals
- Learn how to increase motivation
- Learn to manage your energy levels
- Learn how to manage stress
8 (30 Min) MPC Sessions
360$Package deal for 8 (30-min) MPC sessions: Best for 14 years and under- Gain mental skills
- Learn how to get in the flow state of your performance
- Gain confidence
- Learn to manage emotions
- Gain positive and constructive self-talk
- Increase focus
- Reduce performance anxiety
- Reduce distorted thinking
- Gain a pre and post performance routine
- Set Goals
- Learn how to increase motivation
- Learn to manage your energy levels
- Learn how to manage stress
10 (1 Hour) Soccer Sessions
675$Package deal for 10 (1- hour) in-person soccer sessions- Sessions specific to the player's needs, wants, and goals
- Video recordings of the sessions
8 (1 Hour) Soccer Sessions
540$Package deal for 8 (1- hour) in-person soccer sessions- Sessions specific to the player's needs, wants, and goals
- Video recordings of the sessions
5 (1 Hour) Soccer Sessions
338$Package deal for 5 (1- hour) in-person soccer sessions- Sessions specific to the player's needs, wants, and goals
- Video recordings of the sessions
10 (1 Hour) Nutrition Coaching Sessions
495$Package deal for 10 (1- hour) nutrition coaching sessions- Learn eating habits that will help you feel good and perform
- Receive meal guides to help you stay knowledgeable and consi
- Gain knowledge in the foods that are right for you
- Learn about what to eat before, during, and after trainings
8 (1 Hour) Nutrition Coaching Sessions
396$Package deal for 8 (1- hour) nutrition coaching sessions- Learn eating habits that will help you feel good and perform
- Receive meal guides to help you stay consistent
- Gain knowledge in the foods that are right for you
- Learn about what to eat before, during, and after trainings
5 (1 Hour) Nutrition Coaching Sessions
248$Package deal for 5 (1-hour) nutrition coaching sessions- Learn eating habits that will help you feel good and perform
- Receive meal guides to help you stay consistent
- Gain knowledge in the foods that are right for you
- Learn about what to eat before, during, and after trainings
10 (1 Hour) Strength Sessions
675$Package deal for 10 (1-hour) strength sessions- Customized workouts specific to the athlete
- Learn proper movement in every exercise
- Movement analysis to ensure proper form
- Sport and position specific programs
- Videos of the sessions taken for the athlete
8 (1 Hour) Strength Sessions
540$Package deal for 8 (1-hour) strength sessions- Customized workouts specific to the athlete
- Learn proper movement in every exercise
- Movement analysis to ensure proper form
- Sport and position specific programs
- Videos of the sessions taken for the athlete
5 (1 Hour) Strength Sessions
338$Package deal for 5 (1-hour) strength sessions- Customized workouts specific to the athlete
- Learn proper movement in every exercise
- Movement analysis to ensure proper form
- Sport and position specific programs
- Videos of the sessions taken for the athlete
10 (1 Hour) Thai Massage Sessions
585$Package deal for 10 (1-hour) Thai massage sessions- Massage to help with recovery, mobility, and flexibility
- Exercises given to help with recovery
8 (1 Hour) Thai Massage Sessions
468$Package deal for 8 (1-hour) Thai massage sessions- Massage to help with recovery, mobility, and flexibility
- Exercises given to help with recovery
5 (1 Hour) Thai Massage Sessions
293$Package deal for 5 (1-hour) Thai massage sessions- Massage to help with recovery, mobility, and flexibility
- Exercises given to help with recovery
10 (1 Hour) Soccer Analysis Sessions
675$Package deal for 10 (1-hour) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
8 (1 Hour) Soccer Analysis Sessions
540$Package deal for 8 (1-hour) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
5 (1 Hour) Soccer Analysis Sessions
338$Package deal for 5 (1-hour) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
10 (30 Min) Soccer Analysis Sessions
450$Package deal for 10 (30-min) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
8 (30 Min) Soccer Analysis Sessions
360$Package deal for 8 (30-min) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
5 (30 Min) Soccer Analysis Sessions
225$Package deal for 5 (30-min) soccer analysis sessions- Analyze game film to increase awareness
- Gain tactical knowledge
- Learn personal strengths and weaknesses
- Find highlights for highlight videos
- Learn what to do in specific situations
- Read offensive formation play
- Learn how to press
10 (1 Hour) Agility Training Sessions
675$Package deal for 10 (1-hour) agility training sessions- Gain speed, agility, and quickness
- Learn proper running mechanics
- Learn proper cutting mechanics
- Reduce risk of injury
- Increase strength and power in your run
8 (1 Hour) Agility Training Sessions
540$Package deal for 8 (1-hour) agility training sessions- Gain speed, agility, and quickness
- Learn proper running mechanics
- Learn proper cutting mechanics
- Reduce risk of injury
- Increase strength and power in your run
5 (1 Hour) Agility Training Sessions
338$Package deal for 5 (1-hour) agility training sessions- Gain speed, agility, and quickness
- Learn proper running mechanics
- Learn proper cutting mechanics
- Reduce risk of injury
- Increase strength and power in your run
Online Training Programs
1 on 1 Online Membership
100$1か月ごとCombine Online Nutrition and Strength Services30日間無料お試し- Customized Workout Programs Every Month Through the Volt app
- Weekly Nutrition Coaching (30 minute calls)
- Mobility Programs for Proper Recovery
- Weekly Check-Ins to Make Adjustments to Strength Programs
- Feedback Videos to Help with Movements
1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching
80$1か月ごとThe program to build knowledge and comfort with nutrition14日間無料お試し- 30 Minute Video Meetings Once a Week
- Goal Setting
- Meal Plans
- Tips and Exercises to Implement Healthier Habits
- Knowledge on Proper Nutrition
Individual Customized Strength Training
35$1か月ごとPerfect for people who have the motivation to train alone.30日間無料お試し- Customized Workout Programs Through the Volt app
- Feedback on Form/Movements
- Weekly Check-ins
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